Saturday, January 30, 2016

Lose Those Love Handles Challenge

Lose those LOVE handles BEFORE this Valentine's Day because you've got better things to hold on to!

This 14 Day Challenge starts on January 31st and ends just in time to enjoy Valentine's Day.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Paint Fun!

When you think to yourself..."Awe this is a cute idea on Pinterest, I'm sure she would enjoy doing it." And then it goes from clean and easy fun to completely messy in 5.2 seconds. But hey, she did have fun and I only used things we already had. A handful of crayola washable (thank goodness) paints, copy paper, a paper plate, and a toilet paper roll. I'm the type of nanny that likes to try new things and buy new things to do crafts with but I have learned that there are many simple things at home that can be used and just as fun.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Princess Tutu Aprons

I'm not a mother and I'm no where near to being one. I am a nanny and it is one my favorite things to be in life. I love watching children learn and grow. I love watching them use their imaginations and believe that is one of the greatest adventures in being a child. Oh how one can spend hours playing in a room all alone with his or her own imagination. I remember when I was little playing dress up. There was a certain dress that still comes to mind that was my mother's. It was white with red thread designs on the skirt of it. As a little girl, being able to dress up brought a whole new fantasy land to life. You can imagine being anyone from a princess to a fairy. A doctor to a teacher. A child's mine can lead them anywhere and I believe that is why when I started "In My Own Little World," Princess Tutu Aprons were first on the list. I wanted to give little girls the opportunity to play dress up but also be able to do so much more with their dress up clothes. They are easy to get on and they can even be used in the kitchen. Dress-up or baking attire, it's up to you.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

And so it begins....

Hi, I'm Emily. Blogging is new to me so I apologize for any typos or mistakes in my blogs. I am not afraid to admit that I am not perfect and far from it. I started this blog as motivation for myself in what I do. So let's get to that...

I am a Christian.
I am a full-time nanny.
I am a small business owner. - InMyOwnLittleWorld21
And lastly, I am an online fitness coach. - NannySewFit

I believe in Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I believe He died and rose again for my sins. Although I may fail in life, He still loves me and forgives me. I learn new things about Him daily and I couldn't imagine where I would be today without His love and guidance in my life.

I have always had a heart for children and never saw myself doing something else other than missions. In high school my only jobs were babysitting and working in the church nursery. I spent my summers away on the mission field so having a flexible job was important to me. I wanted to make a difference in the world and having an impact on children was my way of doing it.

I started my little business "In My Own Little World" in the Fall of 2014. Sewing and crafting was always a hobby of mine and I finally took a leap and planted myself in a Vintage store. It is, of course, geared around children with the occasional vintage piece of furniture here and there. My "Princess Tutu Aprons" is where is all began.

Lastly, I am an online fitness coach. I want to help others in their fitness journey by leading by example. I don't want to be the type of person that is trying to sell you a product but doesn't walk the walk and talk the talk. I strive to make it my goal to workout daily and eat clean. I'm not on a certain diet and I even enjoy eating donuts here and there...especially if they have sprinkles on them. My favorite thing to say is "it's all about balance." 30% fitness and 70% nutrition. Five years ago, this part would have never made it into my blog. This is a journey that first started with a hatred for anything physical. (I will post on that soon!)

If you are following me, THANK YOU! I do hope I inspire you, teach you, and show you my heart through my daily life.
