Hi, I'm Emily. Blogging is new to me so I apologize for any typos or mistakes in my blogs. I am not afraid to admit that I am not perfect and far from it. I started this blog as motivation for myself in what I do. So let's get to that...
I am a Christian.
I am a full-time nanny.
I am a small business owner. - InMyOwnLittleWorld21
And lastly, I am an online fitness coach. - NannySewFit
I believe in Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I believe He died and rose again for my sins. Although I may fail in life, He still loves me and forgives me. I learn new things about Him daily and I couldn't imagine where I would be today without His love and guidance in my life.
I have always had a heart for children and never saw myself doing something else other than missions. In high school my only jobs were babysitting and working in the church nursery. I spent my summers away on the mission field so having a flexible job was important to me. I wanted to make a difference in the world and having an impact on children was my way of doing it.
I started my little business "In My Own Little World" in the Fall of 2014. Sewing and crafting was always a hobby of mine and I finally took a leap and planted myself in a Vintage store. It is, of course, geared around children with the occasional vintage piece of furniture here and there. My "Princess Tutu Aprons" is where is all began.
Lastly, I am an online fitness coach. I want to help others in their fitness journey by leading by example. I don't want to be the type of person that is trying to sell you a product but doesn't walk the walk and talk the talk. I strive to make it my goal to workout daily and eat clean. I'm not on a certain diet and I even enjoy eating donuts here and there...especially if they have sprinkles on them. My favorite thing to say is "it's all about balance." 30% fitness and 70% nutrition. Five years ago, this part would have never made it into my blog. This is a journey that first started with a hatred for anything physical. (I will post on that soon!)
If you are following me, THANK YOU! I do hope I inspire you, teach you, and show you my heart through my daily life.
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