Monday, August 22, 2016

Health Bet Adventure

What if I told you that new ADVENTURE you considered going on could EARN you MONEY?!?

That's right! Beach Body is hosting a Health Bet starting September 5th. There is already ONE million dollars in the pot that will be equaling distributed at the end of the challenge. If that doesn't give you more reason to join this adventure, I don't know what else would. 

The dates for our adventure:
September 5th, 2016 - October 2nd, 2016.

The rules of this journey:

Create a FREE Team BeachBody account by joining my team today -
(Must be a new team member, cannot be working with another coach) 
Select your Shakeology flavor and selected workout program for this journey. 
During the duration of this time you are to log a minimum of 5 Shakeology's, each accompanied by a Shakeology photo* 
as well as log a minimum of 3 workouts each week*
(*during each qualification week before midnight of the last day of each contest week)

It's that simple! Not only can you get back on track with your health and fitness, you could be earning a portion of the cost of your Shakeology back! 

Are you ready to bet on yourself with your fitness journey? 
Are you willing to be consistent with your workouts and Shakeology?

You will not be on this journey alone, I will be there with daily support, encouragement, and even yummy recipes to help you along the way. 

Let's start this ADVENTURE together! 

Click GOING to get started!

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Are you feeling ADVENTUROUS?!?

Are you feeling adventurous!?! 

We are finishing up the month of August in under 10 days which means we are finishing up with this month's opportunities for a new adventure in health and fitness. 

Starting August 29th we are starting the journey to focus on our nutrition and physical health. We will be working together in keeping on track with our meals, learning new recipes, trying new workouts, and working through our sore muscles. We will be doing this together. Daily encouragement and daily check ins.

If it's your goal, it's my goal. 
If you want it, I want it.

First three people to invite a friend who joins you on this adventure receives a *FREE* gift from me 😊 

Comment below πŸ‘­πŸ—ΊπŸ’ͺ🏼🍎 

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Father's Day

 It's Father's Day. A day to let our dad know how much he is loved and appreciated. A day to spend with him. And a day to walk down memory lane with him. 

Today hasn't been easy. It's not the first without my dad but the second. I don't express my emotions about the situation often because it's easier to keep them locked inside. My father is still alive and well but not in my life. I closed that door. I asked him not to speak with me until he was on good speaking terms with my mother. I did it out of respect of others. I did it out of love. I have no doubt that I was loved growing up but through the pain, that love was not enough for me. I wanted to fix things. I wanted to try and make a way for a relationship to work but it wasn't possible. There was pain and there was suffering. The man I looked up to for so long wasn't the same man I knew anymore. Something was different, something still is different. 

I'm not at the point in my life to reach out to him to try and reconcile but my brother was. My brother, who has the most genuine heart of hearts. The one, aside from our mother, has struggled through this all. He reached out. He wrote words that were full of love and kindness and hope that maybe something has changed only to be punched in the gut with "what you could do for me now". It's heartbreaking to watch someone's view of someone else be completely shattered especially when they are loved ones. It's heartbreaking to know that those "homecomings" that were eagerly awaited for were for someone that didn't even want to try for one last homescoming. Someone that isn't concerned with our feelings anymore.

I won't say there isn't pain on both sides of this situation because there is. Actions were made and we chose to take a side. We didn't take his side. We carry his name but her blood runs in our veins. 

It hurts. Us all. 

I know I'm not the only one that has ever felt this pain. I know I'm not the only one who has lost their father. I know I'm not the only one that wanted things to be different. BUT what I do know is that I have a Heavenly Father who is looking out for me. I have a Heavenly Father who has found beauty in the suffering and has brought pieces back together. He is my greatest comforter and is pouring out  unfailing love. Each year will be different and each year I will cherish the memories I had with my dad as I hold onto Christ's hand through them all. My earthly father did his best raising me and my Heavenly Father will continue to guide me through life. 

Happy Father's Day, Dad. You are loved and cherished. May you see the beauty in each new day. 

Thursday, March 31, 2016



The girl on the left loved mission trips and hated running (with a passion). The girl on the right still loves mission trips and loves running. 

It amazes me how much has changed in the last six years. Although my mission trips have slowed down, my love for them will never go away. My heart has been left in many countries in the hands of many children. I'm grateful for the opportunities I've had and the way God has worked in my heart through each of them. 

Not only has He changed my heart on the mission field, He's changed my appreciation towards physical fitness. So thankful not to be that girl I was in 2010 that hated running but someone who now wants to inspire others on their fitness journey. 

Do you have a story like this?
Please share! 😊

Monday, March 21, 2016


This challenge has definitely brought change. 

I stepped on a scale this weekend and boy does that thing play mind games with you. I don't normally weigh myself because I'm a girl and those numbers discourages me. I've gained weight but I've gained muscle. My clothes fit differently because I've gained muscle. 

Will stepping on a scale change my motivation for working out? 

No. I wanted change and I got it. 

Will I step on a scale again? 

Umm I'd rather measure myself πŸ˜‚ cause then I can see the real #gainz 

#challenge #change #athomeworkout #results #finishstrong #pushyourself 

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Something I Strive For

In our world today there are many things that distract us in our daily walk with the Lord. Music, TV, Internet, and even our friends sometimes. I'm no where near the relationship I want to have with Christ but it's something I strive for daily. 

Ten years ago I was planning on returning to Africa for my second summer there. The summer before I truly felt called to missions and I loved it. There are times my heart longs to return to the mission field and it will someday but for right now my mission is here. 

I'm working on getting that firm foundation with the Lord. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Embrace & Love your Body

It is the most amazing thing you'll ever own!

Often we find ourself comparing ourselves to others. She's skinny. She's tone. Her skin is amazing. I wish I could do that with my hair like she does. I will never look like that. I'd have to pay money to look that good. 

I have to tell myself all the time not to compare myself to others. I'm 28 years old and I have the most sensitive skin ever it seems like because my face is always breaking out. I thought I was going to be done with acne after high school but it's still there. It's a consistant battle for me not to be envious of someone else's clear skin. I'm cutting out gluten and dairy and trying new detergents (once again) but even while doing that I need to love myself because my "problems" aren't problems at all. They are spects on a scale to others who are fighting for their health. 

When I am loving myself to the fullest then I am able to love others to the fullest. 

"Love your neighbor as yourself" -Mark 12:31

If I can't love and embrace my own body and self, how can I fully and truly love others? I want and should love and treat others the way I want to be treated but if I can't do the same for my myself than how can I walk that out? 

Just my thoughts this morning! 

Have a wonderful Wednesday!!

Monday, March 7, 2016

What We Invest In TODAY Becomes Something In The FUTURE!

         This past month I had the opportunity to go to a Network Marketing PRO event with Eric Worre. If you are in the least bit interested in being an entrepreneur I highly suggest going to one of his seminars. I agreed to going before I really even knew what I was going to or who exactly Eric Worre was. I jumped at the opportunity knowing that the person who invited me knew this would benefit me and my business and that’s all that mattered. I sat and learned for five hours. During those five hours, I did not wish to be anywhere else nor did I think that I could be doing something else. I was learning and I was enjoying it. I left that evening with many takeaways, things that really stood out to me and things that would help further my business.
    The first thing that really stood out to me was this quote from John Addison who was a guest speaker “the greatest things will happen to you, if you just DECIDE. Once you decide, things will change for you.” Goodness, I sat there thinking, I decided to start this journey as a fitness coach in the beginning just for the discounts but then it turned into something greater. Am I thankful that I turned my way of thinking around when it came to fitness and exercise? You betcha! Am I thankful that as an introvert I am stepping out of my comfort zone and making new friends that I would never have thought to do? Absolutely! I decided to be a fitness coach but that is only just the beginning and I know that. I will and do have opportunities to DECIDE on and I know at this time I will jump at them.
    Eric Worre lead us through several steps on leadership. “Leadership isn’t a position but an influence.” I want to influence people in my life because I know firsthand that being influenced by others has been a blessing to me so why not be that person to someone else? Living by example, being proof of the product, and telling my story. I workout daily which I post on Social Media (this was completely out of my comfort zone at first), I use the products and love them, and I tell my story but not as often as I should. As Eric spoke on how to present our story, there was an order to do so. 1. Tell of our background. 2. Talk about what we didn’t like with our job/share the pain in our story. 3. What was our solution. 4. How we feel about the future. As I share my story I always make sure I tell others that being a fitness coach would have been considered a joke in my eyes 10 years ago, goodness even 5 years ago. I wanted nothing to do with fitness or exercising. I didn’t like nor did I enjoy it. In 2012, my best friend and I signed up to run the Disney Princess Half Marathon. I fell in love with running. As I continued to run races and began to run races with obstacles, I started to workout more than just running, I added cardio to the mix as well. I was a different person because I DECIDED to go out of my comfort zone and run a race. In the next step, this would be where people share their pain in what they were doing as a career, what they didn’t like in their life and why they went down the road as an entrepreneur. This one had me stumped. For the past four years I have been a nanny. I will admit there are many struggles with being a nanny and there were many days I wanted to quit (and actually did) but I never saw myself walking away from being a nanny completely. When I thought about really pursuing being a fitness coach, it was to give me comfort in knowing that my hopes of moving to Colorado could happen because I would be financially stumble until I found another nanny job. Although the hope of moving to CO has been put off, the extra income has been a blessing in helping my mother financially as my parents have separated. I recently started a new job, not filling the shoes as a nanny as much as an personal assistant. I still desire to go to work everyday and continue being a fitness coach everyday. I have met many people that have walked away from their professional careers and are absolutely great entrepreneurs and fitness coaches. They found the next step - they found the solution. I want to influence others in my journey but I also want people to see that starting this journey you are capable of doing it while working full-time. That’s how a good percentage of entrepreneurs started. If you want this to be the only thing you are doing, the only job you have, then you must DECIDE to take that step. It’s not going to be easy but it is going to be worth it.
    How do I feel about the future? Where do I see myself in 3 year? 5 years? Sure...I have hopes and dreams but that’s not what I’m talking about. Where do I see myself in my business in 3 years? I see myself still having the heart and passion to help others in their fitness journey. Spending time investing into other’s lives. Helping others feel good about themselves and possibly follow after my influence and become a fitness coach as well. I’m excited for the future, just like I’m excited for tomorrow.
    At the end of the day, Eric Worre closed with “Be different - Be the best version of yourself - be uncomfortable on your way to being comfortable.” I want to leave you with those same words. I want to be different and be the best version of myself as I share my journey in being an entrepreneur and I’ve been uncomfortable but each day is a day closer to being comfortable. Are you?

Monday, February 15, 2016

Don't Wish for a Good Body, Work for it!

Don't Wish for a Good Body, Work for it!

We are starting a new two week challenge for our abs. We will be adding to them daily as well as enjoying our rest days!

Summer is coming! Let's work for our summer bodies starting today!

Join in daily - participate daily - love yourself daily 
Work It Girl Challenge

Monday, February 1, 2016

Transformation Tuesday

Happy #transformationtuesday 

10 years apart, 5 lbs lighter, 2 pant sizes smaller and filled with more energy and drive than ever! 

10 years ago if you asked me to workout or even run I'd probably laugh at you in response...I hated anything that had to do with fitness. My best friend and I decided to challenge ourselves to run the Disney Princess Half Marathon in 2012 - my hatred turned to a love that I had no clue was in me. With 7 halfs under my belt and a dozen other races, I'm beyond grateful that that hatred went away. 

My workouts does not just consist of running these days. I do at-home fitness programs because that's what works for me. I paid for a gym membership for a year and only went a handful of times. I love being able to fit my workout in any time of day and I don't have to worry about getting to the gym or making sure I have all my gym clothes when I leave for work. These programs have made a difference in my lifestyle and even in my running. 

Are you a gym type person or a workout at home type person? 

Find me on Facebook - 

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Lose Those Love Handles Challenge

Lose those LOVE handles BEFORE this Valentine's Day because you've got better things to hold on to!

This 14 Day Challenge starts on January 31st and ends just in time to enjoy Valentine's Day.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Paint Fun!

When you think to yourself..."Awe this is a cute idea on Pinterest, I'm sure she would enjoy doing it." And then it goes from clean and easy fun to completely messy in 5.2 seconds. But hey, she did have fun and I only used things we already had. A handful of crayola washable (thank goodness) paints, copy paper, a paper plate, and a toilet paper roll. I'm the type of nanny that likes to try new things and buy new things to do crafts with but I have learned that there are many simple things at home that can be used and just as fun.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Princess Tutu Aprons

I'm not a mother and I'm no where near to being one. I am a nanny and it is one my favorite things to be in life. I love watching children learn and grow. I love watching them use their imaginations and believe that is one of the greatest adventures in being a child. Oh how one can spend hours playing in a room all alone with his or her own imagination. I remember when I was little playing dress up. There was a certain dress that still comes to mind that was my mother's. It was white with red thread designs on the skirt of it. As a little girl, being able to dress up brought a whole new fantasy land to life. You can imagine being anyone from a princess to a fairy. A doctor to a teacher. A child's mine can lead them anywhere and I believe that is why when I started "In My Own Little World," Princess Tutu Aprons were first on the list. I wanted to give little girls the opportunity to play dress up but also be able to do so much more with their dress up clothes. They are easy to get on and they can even be used in the kitchen. Dress-up or baking attire, it's up to you.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

And so it begins....

Hi, I'm Emily. Blogging is new to me so I apologize for any typos or mistakes in my blogs. I am not afraid to admit that I am not perfect and far from it. I started this blog as motivation for myself in what I do. So let's get to that...

I am a Christian.
I am a full-time nanny.
I am a small business owner. - InMyOwnLittleWorld21
And lastly, I am an online fitness coach. - NannySewFit

I believe in Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I believe He died and rose again for my sins. Although I may fail in life, He still loves me and forgives me. I learn new things about Him daily and I couldn't imagine where I would be today without His love and guidance in my life.

I have always had a heart for children and never saw myself doing something else other than missions. In high school my only jobs were babysitting and working in the church nursery. I spent my summers away on the mission field so having a flexible job was important to me. I wanted to make a difference in the world and having an impact on children was my way of doing it.

I started my little business "In My Own Little World" in the Fall of 2014. Sewing and crafting was always a hobby of mine and I finally took a leap and planted myself in a Vintage store. It is, of course, geared around children with the occasional vintage piece of furniture here and there. My "Princess Tutu Aprons" is where is all began.

Lastly, I am an online fitness coach. I want to help others in their fitness journey by leading by example. I don't want to be the type of person that is trying to sell you a product but doesn't walk the walk and talk the talk. I strive to make it my goal to workout daily and eat clean. I'm not on a certain diet and I even enjoy eating donuts here and there...especially if they have sprinkles on them. My favorite thing to say is "it's all about balance." 30% fitness and 70% nutrition. Five years ago, this part would have never made it into my blog. This is a journey that first started with a hatred for anything physical. (I will post on that soon!)

If you are following me, THANK YOU! I do hope I inspire you, teach you, and show you my heart through my daily life.
